David Tongway
Ecologist and an honorary fellow at CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences
David Tongway is a landscape ecologist and is now an honorary Fellow at CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences, where he has been for 48 years. His initial training was in analytical chemistry, but re trained in service into soil science and ecology. He has contributed to the development of Landscape Ecology as a science and in making the new scientific understanding afforded by landscape ecology available to the commercial world and the community with monitoring procedures. Prime among these is Landscape Function Analysis (LFA), which has become widely adopted in Australia and other countries. Translations of the LFA manual into Spanish, Farsi, Indonesian and Mandarin have been effected to assist users in countries where English is not a major language. David has relationships with a number of universities in Australia and South Africa where he gives guest lectures and mentors graduate students. The application of LFA to mine site rehabilitation has become one of his major activities.
Contact Information
Postal Address: 14 Coppin Place, Weetangera, 2614, ACT, Australia
+61 2 6254 7162 or cell: +61 419 861 615