

Mills, A.J. & Kellner, K. 2021. The chemistry of the pedoderm – part 4: grasslands and savannas within Mokala National Park, South Africa. African Journal of Range & Forage Science, DOI:10.2989/10220119.2021.1938221.


Kellner, K. & Mangani, T., (June 2021) to ISO TC 207/ SC5/Working Group 13 (Working on Land) to illustrate the application of good practices in combatting Land Degradation and Drought (LDD). The title of the case study:’Restoration after woody clearing conducted in the D’Nyala Nature Reserve and Shongoane village in the Limpopo Province, South Africa’. All regional case studies from the globe are available on a CD or websites: SO14055-2:2020(E) or ISO/TC 207/SC 5/WG 13 “Land degradation and desertification” or!/doc/0978424a-c741-4b76-9532-2f2b9d390454.


Mangani, T., Coetzee, H., Kellner, K. & Chirima, G. 2020. Socio-economic benefits stemming from bush clearing and restoration projects conducted in the D’Nyala Nature Reserve and Shongoane Village, Lephalale, South Africa. Sustainability, 12, 5133;doi:10.3390/su12125133.


Sebitloane, T.K.J., Coetzee, H., Kellner, K. & Malan, P. 2020. The socio-economic impacts of bush encroachment in Manthestad, Taung, South Africa. Environmental & Socio-economic Studies, 8(3):1-11.


Mangani, T., Marquart, A., Chirima, G. & Kellner, K. (resubmitted to editor) Grass species diversity response to brush packing: Case study in two different land-use types within semi-arid rangelands of South Africa. Journal of Arid Environments.


Mangani, T. Kellner, K., Chirima, G. & Mangani, R. (accepted with revisions). Restoring degraded semi-arid rangelands using brush packing as a sustainable and cost-effective method to improve aboveground grass biomass after bush clearing. Sustainability.


Marquart, A., Van Coller, H., Van Staden, N. & Kellner, K. (submitted) The impact of selective bush control on herbaceous vegetation in two land use types in semi-arid savanna rangelands, South Africa. Journal of Land Degradation and Development.


Marquart, A., Van Coller, H., Van Staden, N. & Kellner, K. (submitted) Response of semi-arid savanna herbaceous and woody vegetation to bush control across land uses: A management perspective. African Journal of Range & Forage Science.


Slooten, E., Marquart, A., F.P. Jordaan, M. Vermeulen & Kellner, K. (submitted). Controlling the encroachment of Seriphium plumosum and assessing the response of grasses in a semi-arid rangeland, South Africa. African Journal of Range and Forage Science.


Harmse, C.J., De Ath, A.; & Kellner, K. (submitted) Quantifying the effect of chemical bush control of Senegalia mellifera in the Eastern Kalahari Bushveld, South Africa. Journal of Arid Environments.


Marquart, A., Sikwane, O.B. & Kellner, K. (submitted) The diversity of epigeal arthropods after the application of the brush packing method following bush encroachment control. African Journal of Range and Forage Science.

In prep.:

Kellner, K. Fouche, J. & Tongway, D. (in preparation). Landscape function in bush thickened and –controlled areas of the semi-arid savannah in the Molopo region, South Africa. Sustainability.

Von Maltitz, G.P., Gambizo, J., Kellner, K., Rambau, T., Lindeque, L. & Kgope, B. 2019.  Experiences from the South African land degradation neutrality target setting process.  Environmental Science and Policy 101 p. 54-62.

Kellner, K.  2019.  Bestuur van veld en kudde ewe belangrik.  Landbouweekblad, Drakensberger SA bylaag, bl. 22-24.

Hesselbarth, M.H.K., Wiegand, K., Dreber, N., Kellner, K., Esser, D. & Tsvuura, Z.  Density-dependent spatial patterning of woody plants differs between a semi-arid and a mesic savanna in South Africa.  Journal of Arid Environments 157, p. 103-112.

Kellner, K., Von Maltitz, G., Seely, M., Atlhopheng, J & Lindeque, L.   South African arid lands: current status and future prospects. (In Guar, M.K. & Squires, V.R., eds.  Climate variability impacts on land use and livelihoods in drylands.  Cham: Springer.  p. 243-260) [eBook]

Von Maltitz, G.P., Lindeque, G.H.L. & Kellner, K. A changing narrative on desertification and degradation in South Africa.  (In: Victor Roy Squires et al.  Desertification.  Nova Science Publishers, Inc. p. 39-98).

Kellner, K., Kruger, A., Coetzee, H. & van den Berg, H.   Linking land-user perceptions and range-management practices in the Mier region of the Kalahari duneveld savanna, South Africa.  Journal of arid environments, (submitted for publication).

Dreber, N., Van Rooyen, S.E. & Kellner, K.   Relationships of plant diversity and bush cover in rangelands of a semi-arid Kalahari savannah, South Africa.  African journal of ecology, doi:10.1111/aje.12425.

Kellner, K. et al.  Building scenarios and models of drivers of biodiversity and ecosystem change (Chapter 3).   In S. Ferrier  et al. (eds). The methodological assessment report on scenarios and models of biodiversity and ecosystem services of the intergovernmental science-policy platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services.  Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Bonn, Germany, 348 pages.  ISBN:978-92-807-3569-7. Berret-Koehler Publishers, Inc., OECD Publishing. IPBES, 85-117.

Pichs-Madruga, R.M., Obersteiner, M., Cantele, M., Ahmed, M.T., Cui, X., Cury, P., Fall, S., Kellner, K. & Verburg, P.  Building scenarios and models of drivers of biodiversity and ecosystem change.  (In Ferrier, S., Ninan, K.N., Leadley, P., Alkemade, R., Acosta, L.A., Akçakaya, H.R., Brotons, L., Cheung, W.W.L., Christensen, V., Harhash, K.A. et al. eds.  IPBES, 2016: Methodological assessment of scenarios and models of biodiversity and ecosystem services.  Bonn, Germany: Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. pp 102-145). pdf  Date of access: 15 Sept. 2017.

Harmse, C.J., Kellner, K. & Dreber, N.   Restoring productive rangelands: a comparative assessment of selective and non-selective chemical bush control in a semi-arid Kalahari savanna.  Journal of arid environments, 135: 39-49.

Akhtar-Schuster, M., Amiraslani, F., Diaz Morejon, C.F., Escadafal, R., Fulajtar, E., Grainger, A., Kellner, K., Khan, S.I., Perez Pardo, O., Sauchanka, U., Stringer, L.C., Reda, F. & Thomas, R.J.  Designing a new science-policy communication mechanism for the UN Convention to Combat Desertification.  Environmental science & policy, 63:122-131.

Van der Walt, L., Cilliers, S.S., Du Toit, M.J. & Kellner, K.   Conservation of fragmented grasslands as part of the urban green infrastructure: how important are species diversity, functional diversity and landscape functionality.  Urban ecosystems, 18(1): 87-113.

Van der Walt, L., Cilliers, S.S., Kellner, K., Du Toit, M.J. & Tongway, D.  To what extent does urbanisation affect fragmented grassland functioning?  Journal of environmental management, 151: 517-530.

Kong, T.M., Marsh, S.E., Van Rooyen, A.F., Kellner, K. & Orr, B.J.   Assessing rangeland condition in the Kalahari Duneveld through local ecological knowledge of livestock farmers and remotely sensed data. Journal of arid environments, 113:77-86.

Dreber, N., Kong, T.M., Kellner, K., Harmse, C.J., Van Eeden, A. & Ocampo-Melgar, A.  Towards improved decision-making in degraded dry lands of Southern Africa:  an indicator based assessment for integrated evaluation of restoration and management actions in the Kalahari rangelands.  Planet@Risk, 2(1): 21-28.

Dreber, N., Harmse, C.J., Götze, A., Trollope, W.S.W. & Kellner, K.   Quantifying the woody component of savanna vegetation along a density gradient in the Kalahari bushveld:  a comparison of two adapted point-centered quarter methods.  The rangeland journal, 36: 91-103.

Kong, T.M., Austin, D.E., Kellner, K. & Orr, B.J.  The interplay of knowledge, attitude and practice of livestock farmers’ land management against desertification in the South African Kalahari.  Journal of arid environments, 105:12-21.

Nel, L., Truter, W.F., Van Deventer, P. & Kellner, K.   The emergence and survival of Digitaria eriantha and Chloris gayana seedlings on mine tailings planted with coated and non-coated seed.  Tropical grasslands – Forrajes tropicales, 2(1):97−99.

Kong, T.M., Kellner, K. Austin, D.E., Els, Y. & Orr, B.J.  Enhancing participatory evaluation of land management through photo elicitation and photo voice.  Society & natural resources, 28(2):212-229.

Contributing author and reviewer: Kellner, K.
UNCCD (United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification)   The economics of desertification, land degradation and drought: methodologies and analysis for decision-making. Background document. UNCCD 2nd Scientific Conference: 9-12 April organized by the UNCCD & GRF, Bonn, Germany. Bonn: UNCCD.  Date of access: 14 Sept. 2017.

Contributing author and reviewer: Kellner, K.
Poulsen, L., 2013.  Costs and benefits of policies and practices addressing land degradation and drought in the dry lands.  White Paper II  UNCCD 2nd Scientific Conference.  9-12 April 2013.  Bonn, Germany.  Date of access: 14 Sept. 2017.

Weber, K., Lange, C.A., Kellner, K., Mishra, D. & Soni, V.   Probing the process leading to desertification and its impact on plant biodiversity in the Thar Desert of Rajasthan, India.  Economology journal, 5: 8-19.  Date of access: 19 Sept. 2017.

Breedt, J.A.D., Dreber, N. & Kellner, K. Post-wildfire regeneration of rangeland productivity and functionality – observations across three semi-arid vegetation types in South Africa. African journal of range and forage science, 30(3):161-167.

Van der Walt, L., Cilliers, S.S., Kellner, K., Tongway, D., & Van Rensburg, L.  2012.  Landscape functionality of plant communities in the Impala Platinum mining area, Rustenburg.  Journal of enviromental management, 113:103-116.

Boneschans, R.B., Malo, D.S., Van Rooijen, F.S.J. & Kellner, K.   Die evaluering van die kronologiese opvolging en plantdinamika op gerehabiliteerde goudslikmyndamme by Stilfontein, Noordwes Provinsie.  Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie, 31(1):1.

Schwilch, G., Bestelmeyer, B., Bunning, S., Critchley, W., Herrick, J., Kellner, K., Liniger, H.P., Nachtergaele, F., Ritsema, C.J., Schuster, B., Tabo, R., van Lynden, G. & Winslow, M.   Experiences in monitoring and assessment of sustainable land management.  Land degredation & development, 22(2):214-225.

Kellner, K. and Moussa, A.S.  2010.  A conceptual tool for improving rangeland management decision-making at grassroots level:  the local-level monitoring approach.  African journal of range & forage science, 26 (3):139-147.

Moussa, A.S., van Rensburg, L. & Kellner, K.   Soil properties changes after short-term livestock exclusion in “degraded” communally manged rangelands in the western Bophirima District, South Africa.  South African journal of plant and soil, 26 (2):102-109.

Moussa, A.S., van Rensburg, L., Kellner, K. & Bationo, A.   Expoloring differences of soil quality as related to management in semiarid rangelands in the western Bophirima District, North West province, South Africa.  African journal of range & forage science, 26(1):27-36.

Moussa, A.S., Van Rensburg, L., Kellner, K. & Bationo, A.  Soil indicators of rangeland degradation in a semi-arid communal district in South Africa. (In Lee, C & Schaaf, T., eds.  The Future of dry lands. International scientific conference on desertification and drylands research.  19-21 June 2006.  Tunis, Tunisia.  Cham: Springer.  p. 383-393). [eBook]

Moussa, A.S., van Rensburg, L., Kellner, K. & Bationo, A.   Soil microbial biomass in semi-arid-communal sandy rangelands in the Western Bophirima district, South Africa.  Applied ecology and environmental research, 5(1):43-56.

Van den Berg, L. & Kellner, K.   Restoring degraded patches in a semi-arid rangeland of South Africa.  Journal of arid environments, 61: 497-511.

Baraqc, A.S., Kellner, K. & De Klerk, N.   Land user participation in developing a computerised decision support system for combating desertification.  Environmental monitoring and sssessment, 99: 223-23.

Kellner, K., & Bosch, O.J.H.  The value of local and indigenous knowledge for the development of information systems for conservation management (In Lemons, J., Victor, R. & Schaffer, D. eds.  Conserving biodiversity in arid regions: best practices in developing nations.  New York, N.Y.: Springer. p. 105-118).

Meyer, T., Kellner, K. & Viljoen, C.  Land transformation and soil quality  (In Magold, S., Kalule-Sabiti, M. eds.  North West province state of the environment report: overview 2002.  Mafikeng: Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Environment, North West Province.  Date of access: 15 Sept. 2017.

Kellner, K. & Van der Merwe, J.P.A.  Data base and expert system for rangeland restoration: a community participation approach.  (In Ringrose, S. & Chanda, R. eds.  Towards sustainable management in the Kalahari region: some essential background and critical issues.  Gaborone: Directorate of research and development, University of Botswana. p. 156-165).

Kellner, K. & Booysen, J.  ISPD – integrated system for plant dynamics: a descision support system for rangeland management.  (In Ringrose, S. & Chanda, R. eds.  Towards sustainable management in the Kalahari region: some essential background and critical issues.  Gaborone: Directorate of research and development, University of Botswana).

Kellner, K.  Guidelines for the rehabilitation after control of alien plants and bush encroachment species.  (In Campbell, P.L., Kellner, K., Mappledoram, B., Findlay, J., Henderson, L. & Kluge, R. eds.  2000.  Rehabilitation recommendations after alien plant control.  Reference handbook 11.  Pretoria: Plant protection research institute of the ARC (Agricultural Research Council).

Kellner, K. & Booysen, J.  Modelling populations and community dynamics in Karoo ecosystems.  (In Dean, R.J.W. & Milton, S. eds.  The Karoo: ecological patterns and processes Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 224 – 230).

Scheepers, J.C. & Kellner, K.  (In Arbuthnot, J.D. ed.  Report of the ESA working group on land degradation.  Pretoria: Department of Agriculture, Directorate of Resource Conservation).